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Weekend Frittata

Breakfast food is a little challenging for me. I believe because I like variety. However, during the hustle and bustle of the week, we tend to minimize our choice and go for the quick and easy. I make this fritatta on the weekends because I usually grocery shop on Saturday or Sunday, so I can use the leftovers or the last bit of veggies left in the fridge to come up with a great tasting frittata.
I usually use my cast iron pan because this recipe calls for finishing the eggs in the oven. However, if you have a skillet that can be put in the oven you can use that. Also, this recipe is always personalized because you should use what you have in the fridge. My frittatas are always different depending what I have available in my kitchen. Sorry, the picture is a little dark. It was Saturday morning and I was not fully awake yet.

Here is the recipe! Enjoy!

Serves 4-6

6-8 whole Large Eggs (or more depending how big your skillet is) 
Salt And Black Pepper to taste be mindful of salt if you are using salty items
1 cup Grated cheese (whatever you have, I usually use a blend) 
2 dashes sriracha, Optional 
1 Tablespoon olive oil (you can use butter or coconut oil) 
1 whole Medium Onion sliced thin
1 cup of bacon. ham, or sausage 
1 bell pepper diced
1 tomato diced
1 cup of spinach leaves or 1 1/2 cups of frozen spinach ( you can use any greens)
1/4 cup of green olives chopped

Preheat the oven to 375 F. Beat together the eggs with the salt and pepper (do not get carried away and over-beat) Stir in the grated cheese or cheese blend and hot sauce if using it and set aside.

In a large oven-proof non-stick skillet, heat olive oil over medium-high heat. Add bacon and cook until golden and crip, if using ham you should cook it until it is a little brown. Add the onions and cook for several minutes,  stirring frequently, until the onions are soft and golden brown. Add sliced bell peppers, and use some salt and pepper to taste. Add the olives and stir to cook about 1 minute. Add the tomatoes and the spinach leaves or frozen .  Stir to cook for another minute. 

All the ingredients should be evenly distributed across the bottom of the skillet, before pouring  in the egg mixture, so that it  coats everything. Let it sit on the med heat for 30-45 seconds to set the edges, then put the skillet in the oven.

 Let it cook in the oven for 10-12 minutes until the eggs are set but remove it before the eggs brown very much on top. Slice the frittata into wedges and serve warm with toast or bagel and fruit.

NOTE: Other ingredients that are great to use are mushrooms, leeks, feta cheese, and kale.

Indulgent French Toast Recipe

One of my favorite breakfast food is french toast, but it is really hard to find a moist, rich, and flavorful french toast at breakfast restaurants. So, I made finding a great french toast recipe and modifying it to my liking a mission. Well, mission accomplished! I found a recipe on the internet and started modifying it little by little, until this baby became my own.
This is not only a winner to me, but to my husband, toddler, dog, brother, and even nanny. Once I got the recipe down, I started experimenting with types of bread. I discovered that to get the moist result I wanted I needed a specialty bread. I either use Challah bread, brioche, or Private Selection maple streusel bread. Please see recipe below and enjoy it!

French Toast Recipe

Serves 2-4

5-6 slices of Challah, brioche or maple streusel breakfast bread.
4 eggs
1/4 cup milk
1 Tbs brown sugar (if you use the breakfast bread, leave this out)
2 teaspoons of cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon nutmeg (sometimes I leave it out)
1 teaspoon of vanilla extract

In a shallow bowl whisk all the ingredients together. Dip the slices of bread in the mixture, only flipping once. Melt a two tablespoons of butter in a non-stick skillet over medium heat. When the butter is golden and hot, add the slices of bread that have been soaking in the mixture (make sure you let some excess drip)  and fry them until golden, only flipping once. Wash and slice some ripe strawberries and drizzle 100% Pure Maple syrup. Enjoy!!!!

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