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Picture to come in future....

 Here is a little about me...

  • I'm a mom of a beautiful baby boy
  • I like to cook and eat organic
  • I love to scout my local dollar stores, Michael's, and Home Depot
  • I would live in jeans and bare feet if I could
  • Since I can't I love to dress edgy, but comfortable
  • I am a chemist who wants to be a stay home mom
  • I am starting a invitation and label business on ETSY
  • I like to make things beautiful and organized. Some call me a little OCD... I guess that is my therapy
  • I love to be at home with my husband, my son, and my huge Goldendoodle
  • If money were no object, I would buy a Ranch in Kentucky and just raise my kids.
  • I speak my mind at all times

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